Syscoin 3 with Masternodes Cold Setup Unofficial Guide assuming a clean install

Getting started:

John Syscoin
9 min readMay 3, 2018


Below are some recommendations in terms of Masternode minimum hardware specifications (this specification typically costs around $5–$10 USD/month at major hosting portals):

  • 2GB memory
  • 40GB free disk space(SSD recommended)
  • 1 CPU
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64
  • Hosting services: Microsoft Azure, Vultr, DigitalOcean, Amazon EC2, Google Cloud, Choopa, OVH
  • Fixed IP address

We recommend Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for running a masternode. Other builds of Linux may work but we have not tested them. Use at your discretion. To setup your VPS please follow useful Guide created by user johnp which can be found below:

Please read these instructions carefully the majority of issues are because these instructions are not read correctly.

To Create your VPS use this Guide to set the VPS up only. Once setup continue to Update your VPS OS.

Please ensure any other firewalls you have allow port 8369.

Update your VPS OS:

Please read these instructions carefully the majority of issues are because these instructions are not read correctly.

Log back onto your Server using Putty with the Username and password you created in the VPS guide not as Root.

All text in boxes are commands and need to be typed (Copy/Paste into Putty followed by Enter.

$ Indicates the start of a new line and you do not need to copy $.

You can highlight the text and copy then right click in the Putty window to paste the text excluding $.

Install Nano (Text editor)

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install nano

Installing dependencies and Syscoin Core (assuming you are in your home directory):

$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone
$ cd syscoin

Build Syscoin Core from sources:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev
$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make -j$(nproc)
// (This will take 40 minutes or more, install BM and QT whilst waiting, do not shut Putty down)

$ sudo make install

We are going to use both Blockmarket ( To create an Alias) and QT to control your MasterNodes. They use the same Data and Wallet.dat. You can run either but not BOTH at the same time.


Install Blockmarket Desktop (Required to create an Alias for AirDrops)

You do not need to create a Syscoin Alias to run a MasterNode but with the likelyhood of many Airdrops, why wouldn’t you.

Download the latest BM DT from near the bottom

Install BM DT, allow it to 100% sync, fund it and create an alias (See guide below). Please do not extend the expiry date beyond 5 years as this might cost you quite a bit. Once created go to Send/Receive-Receiving Address List, there you will see your Alias with its associated Syscoin address.

Create a Notepad file on your Desktop.

Copy your Syscoin Alias address here for later use,this can be found from Receiving addresses and will be used to send the collateral (100k) to.

Make sure you Encrypt your wallet as per the guide and do not forget this password otherwise you have lost access to your funds.

Close BlockMarket down, you cannot run both BM and QT at the same time.

Install Syscoin3 QT on Local Machine (Required to run MasterNodes)

Download the latest Mainnet version from

Start up your Syscoin Wallet, once it is loaded go to Settings- Options and enable ‘Coin Control’ and ‘Show Masternodes Tab’

Click OK to save

Close and open Syscoin Wallet and allow to fully sync with the network.

In your wallet go to Tools-debug

You will find the command line at the bottom of the console.

Enter the following command: masternode genkeyand press ENTER.

You will see a long string of numbers and letters, this is your Masternodeprivkey.

For each Masternode you will need to generate a new Masternodeprivkey.

Please copy/paste this string to the notepad file on your Desktop. This is the key you will need to verify your Masternode later in the process.

If you are not using a Syscoin Alias address enter the following command: getnewaddressand press ENTER and save in notepad.

Exit the console.

This is a good time to encrypt your wallet if you have not already done so, go to Settings to encrypt.

You should also backup your wallet at this point, go to File Backup

Please note on this version of QT, backups are automatically created when you open the QT, these can be seen by going to Tools-Show Automatic Backups. Any Backups made before you encrypted your wallet should be permanently deleted.

This option can be turned off by adding a line to the syscoin.conf file, go to Tools-Open Wallet Configuration File. Add this line createwalletbackups=0


We will be using Coin Control to ensure that you send from the correct address.

Got to SEND and INPUTS you will see a screen like this and select the input you wish to use to send from. In this case its my MAIN input (This are tSys not real)

Press OK to return to the SEND screen.

Now in the Pay To field enter your Syscoin address you wish to send the collateral too.

In the label give this any name you like, but if it as a Syscoin Alias address use your Syscoin Alias name as this will allow you to monitor rewards better.

Enter exactly 100,000 in the amount field.

Press Send, enter your password and confirm and send the coins

In your transactions you will see a payment to yourself and if you click on it it will show you details.

Go to Transactions and copy the Transaction ID (right click on the transaction) of the collateral (where you received your 100,000 SYS) into the notepad file. Please wait for at least 1 confirmation on this transaction before proceeding with your masternode setup.

Setup Syscoin Core configuration:

Return to your VPS and once it has finished installing carry on

$ mkdir ~/.syscoincore

We need to create the config file

$ nano ~/.syscoincore/syscoin.conf

Paste in the following:


Where masternodeprivkey is the key you Generated in the Syscoin Wallet and externalip is your VPS IP

Should look like this

Press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file

Run Syscoin Core

$ cd ~/syscoin/src
$ ./syscoind
//To check its started wait 30 secs and type
$ ./syscoin-cli getinfo

Introduce your masternode to the network:

Return to your Syscoin QT Wallet.

Go to Tools-Console and enter the command masternode outputs

You will get a string that looks like this:
“06e38868bb8f9958e34d5155437d009b72dff33fc87fd42e51c0f74fdb” : “0”,

The long string is your transaction hash, and the last number is the index. The index can be 0 or 1.

This should match the TX where the 100,000 Sys were sent to.

Go to Tools-Open Masternode Configuration File. (Open in Notepad)

Add your masternode line by adding a MasterNode aliasname then the external ip of your VPS and port 8369, your masternodeprivkey and your transaction hash and index (obtained from masternode outputs above)using format:

Please note there is a space between Portnumber and masternodeprivkey and your transaction hash.

Each Masternode will need a unique Masternode Alias.

Please do not get confused between a Masternode Alias name and a Syscoin Alias they are 2 different things.

Close and reopen your Syscoin QT

Return to your VPS

Install sentinel: Sentinel is a watchdog for your node which communicates to the network that your node is working properly.

Please ensure you are still in syscoin/src directory 
(cd ~/syscoin/src)
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y git python-virtualenv
$ git clone
$ cd sentinel

We now need to edit the sentinel config file

$ nano sentinel.conf

  1. If there is a # In front of syscoin_conf= then remove it
  2. put a # next to network=testnet remove the # next to network=mainnet to enable mainnet version of sentinel.
  3. replace YOURUSERNAME with your VPS user name next to syscoin_conf at the top

Should look like this

Press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file.

Finish Sentinel setup

$ virtualenv venv

If this command fails try installing this package

$ sudo apt-get install -y virtualenv and then run $ virtualenv venv

Install sentinel dependencies

$ venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Ensure that your masternode is done syncing to the network:

$ cd ..

$ ./syscoin-cli mnsync status

AssetId 999, all trues, one false, and a FINISHED is what we are looking for, repeat the mnsysnc status command until Finished is displayed. (Hint the UP ARROW repeats last command)

Start your masternode :

Return to Syscoin QT

Wait for Sync to finish

Goto MasterNodes Tab

Select your Masternode Alias, if it says missing press Start Missing otherwise press Start Alias.

Return to your VPS

Setup Sentinel cronjob:

$ cd sentinel

$ venv/bin/python bin/

Should return nothing but silence. This is how you know it’s working.
If it says wait for sync, wait a minute and try again.

Create a crontab entry to wake sentinel every minute.

$ crontab -e

Please wait and select Nano as the option if this is the first time you have done this and add this line to the end of the file, including * * * * *

* * * * * cd /home/YOURUSERNAME/syscoin/src/sentinel && ./venv/bin/python bin/ 2>&1 >> sentinel-cron.log

To Start Syscoind automatically on boot you can add this line.

//Thanks to Locutus

@reboot /home/YOURUSERNAME/syscoin/src/syscoind -daemon >/dev/null 2>&1

Replace YOURUSERNAME with your VPS user name.

Press Ctrl + X to close the editor and Y and Enter save the file.

Check MasterNode has started and communicating

$ cd ..
$ ./syscoin-cli masternode status

You should see a message with details matching your Masternode Conf file in Syscoin QT.

Return to your Syscoin QT.

Please now wait for your MasterNode to be Enabled. This could take 30 mins or so to change from SENTINEL_PING_EXPIRED.

Wait at least 1 hour; if it still shows that after 1 hour, then check your sentinel config part on the VPS

Once it is Enabled you can close your Syscoin Wallet down if you wish.




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