Syscoin 4.2 Masternode Error Codes

John Syscoin
3 min readJan 21, 2021


DIP003 introduced a new way of setting up and running Masternodes here is a list of common errors and the solutions.

Error: bad-protx-collateral 
Reason: redo protx_register_prepare and verify you are utilizing the proper collateral address — it should match the 100k address
Error: Operator BLS address must be a valid BLS address, not 0 Reason: You probably forgot the operator pub key or you typed 0 Error: Invalid Syscoin address: ****
Reason: There’s a typo or you are missing a character in one of the Syscoin addresses (operator, voting or payout)
Error: No funds at specified address
Reason: If you don’t specify a feeSourceAddress on the script it will try to pay the fee using the payoutAddress, usually when you are updating the masternode information, you are updating exactly the payoutAddress, so it will try to look for funds on that address, that could possibly have no funds. To fix that you just specify a different feeSourceAddress.
Error: Masternode (name) not found
Reason: Protx is wrong
Error: bad-protx-payee-reuse
Reason: You cannot use owner or voting address as payee
Error: bad-protx-dup-key
Reason: You are trying to use an existing operator key (an operator key that is already being used in another node)
Error: protx-dup
Reason: Either you entered the same information as you did on the registration, so basically there’s nothing to update or you entered an information that was already used in another node
Error: Private key for owner address ****** not found in your wallet Reason: You entered a valid/existing protx but you are in the wrong wallet, you need to broadcast this transaction from a wallet that contains the owner address of that protx.Signing transaction failed (code -6) during protx_register_prepare This is due to a locked wallet - please unlock your wallet walletpassphrase yourSecretPassword 300

POSE-BANNED (what does it mean)

What to do with a PoSe Penalty score on your masternode ?

Run "syscoin-cli masternode status" on the masternode and it will tell you if your node is configured well
If your masternode fails to provide service to the network in accordance with the current consensus rules, it will receive a Proof of Service Ban.If your masternode is in the POSE_BANNED status, you should check the following settings are configured correctly:1) Ensure you are running the latest version of Syscoin2) Ensure your masternode has sufficient memory, swap, processing power and hard drive space
(use recommended specs : )
3) Ensure you are fully synced to the correct blockheight, and that you are on the correct chain and not forked off.4) Ensure that a BLS private key is specified using the masternodeblsprivkey option in the masternode’s syscoin.conf file.5) Ensure that the BLS private key on the masternode is unique on the network and not shared with any other masternodes.6) Ensure that the BLS private key on the masternode corresponds to the BLS public key registered on the blockchain in the ProRegTx or ProUpRegTx.7) Ensure that the externalip (and port if using testnet) are specified correctly and not blocked by a firewall or port forwarding service.7) Ensure that Sentinel is installed, updated, not exiting with an error and is entered in your crontab to run every 1-2 minutes”

How to re-enable (after checking all above)

In the QT console you need to issue an update service command

protx_update_service "proTxHash" "ipAndPort" "operatorKey" ( "" "feeSourceAddress" )

Where you can get the ‘proTxHash’ from right clicking on your node in the QT masternode list and ‘operatorKey’ is the ‘masternodeblsprivkey from your Syscoin.conf file on your VPS, ‘feeSourceAddress’ is any address with funds.



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